Reference Guide

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The Map component allows you to embed a Google Map into a screen, displaying one or more points of interest and optional directions.


Map components can be dragged from the Visuals tool bar onto Screens

You have three options available:

Single Address

Displays a single point of interest on a Map. You can either place the pin on the map yourself, enter a post code or enter the exact longitude/latitude information.


Preview your app to see a Map component in action

Single Address with Directions

Exactly the same as Single Address, with the addition of a form allowing the end-user to get direction from either their physical location or an address they enter manually.


The Map component can give directions from the end-user’s current location too

Multiple Addresses

Displays multiple points of interest on a Map. You can specify each point by entering a list of longitude/latitude values.


The Map component can display several addresses on a map at the same time

Map Properties

When a Map component is selected on the Canvas, the following settings are available in the Properties panel:

Basic Settings
Reference A unique identifier for the Map.
Initial Zoom Level How far in or out the map is zoomed when it first appears. This can be used to show a little more of the area surrounding your point of interest, to provide context. End-users will be able to override the zoom level when the map is displayed in your app, so this only affects the initial zoom level when the component is first loaded.
Type of Map Allows you to choose what kind of information you’d like to display on the map: A single address, a single address with directions or multiple addresses on a map at once.
Address Available where a single address is being displayed. Allows you to specify an address by either dropping a pin by hand onto a map, entering a post code or entering latitude/longitude values.
Place Pin If you’ve chosen to specify an address by placing a pin on the map, a second map will appear with a pin in it. Click and drag the pin to the appropriate location.
Post Code If you’ve chosen to specify an address by post code, you’ll need to enter the post code here.
Latitude, Longitude If you’ve chosen to specify an address by latitude and longitude, you’ll need to enter the appropriate values here.
Locations Available where multiple addresses are being displayed. Add the latitude and longitude values of each new point of interest to the list, using the “+” button to add new ones.
Various A handful of options to control how your map and/or directions form appear on the end-user’s device.

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