Reference Guide

Detailed explanations of every feature and function in Nutshell


The Signature component allows you to capture an electronic signature from your end-user, who signs inside the box with their fingertip. The result is converted to an image, which can be stored permanently for auditing purposes.


Your end-users will be able to sign forms with their fingertips

Required Fields

If a Signature field in your form is mandatory, Nutshell can automatically validate that an end-user has not left it blank. Just set the field to be a required field, and Nutshell will do the rest.

Default Content

If your form is just capturing data, your Signature field will probably be blank by default. Sometimes it’s helpful to pre-populate a Signature though –by pulling the image in dynamically from a data-source.

What do we mean by dynamically? Dynamic data is content that’s changeable based on something your end-user does, or loaded at run-time from a database table.


Existing signatures can be pulled in from a data-source, but cannot be edited

Once captured, Signatures cannot be edited.

Resizing a Signature Component

To resize a Signature component, click and drag on a corner of its bounding box.

Signature Properties

When a Signature component is selected on the Canvas, the following settings are available in the Properties panel:

Basic Settings
Reference A unique identifier for the field. This is critical, as it allows you to reference the field directly when mapping to and from a Data component, or inserting data into emails and documents.
Default Content Gives you the option of pulling in an existing Signature from a Nutshell database table. This Signature will be read-only, and is the only option for pre-populating a Signature field.
Validation Settings
Required Field If enabled, Nutshell will not allow the end-user to progress along the workflow until this field has a value.
Various A host of options to style your Signature component – including both the text fields and the button. These options should be quite familiar if you’ve ever used a basic document editor like Microsoft Word.

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