Reference Guide

Detailed explanations of every feature and function in Nutshell


Depending on your subscription, your Nutshell account may come with its own database; if so, you can add as many tables as you like to this database. Database tables are great for data you want to store permanently – for example, contacts in an address book, or line-items in an expenses app.

Whilst building your app, switch to the Data tab in the Tab Bar on the left hand side. You’ll see 3 more tabs along the top: Database, Variables and Services.


The Database Tab lists all of the Database tables currently shared with your app

Creating Tables

Database tables cannot be created from within an app. This is because Database tables in Nutshell can be shared between several apps – and therefore doesn’t really belong to any of them.

Click the little ‘home’ icon in the top right to return to your apps and folders. In the main navigation bar across the top of the screen, you’ll see a link for “Database”. This is where you create and manage your Database tables.


Nutshell Database tables are managed via the Database link in the main menu

Creating a database table is as simple as clicking a button and adding a few data fields. This process is covered in more detail in the Tutorials section.


Here you can create your Database tables and share them with your Nutshell apps

Data Types

Just like in your favourite spreadsheet software, Nutshell’s database fields can accommodate one of a number of data-types, depending on what kind of information you’re storing.

By specifying what kind of data you expect to be stored in each field, Nutshell can prevent you from making mistakes later, by alerting you to possible incompatibilities.


Each Database field can be set to accommodate a specific type of data

You can store the following types of data:

  • Text
    For storing short snippets of text not more than 256 characters long – for example, an email address or a surname.
  • Long Text
    For storing blocks of text longer than 256 characters – for example, a product description or written report.
  • Whole Number
    For storing integers – for example, an ID number or someone’s age.
  • Decimal Number
    For storing numbers with at least one decimal place – for example, a price value.
  • Boolean
    For storing simple True/False values.
  • Image
    For storing images captured or uploaded from the device – for example, photographs in an incident reporting app.
  • Date
    For storing Dates.
  • Time
    For storing Times.
  • DateTime
    For storing Date and Time values within the same field.
  • Location
    For storing Longitude/Latitude geo-location values – for example, capturing the exact physical location of an incident within a reporting app.
  • Signature
    For storing electronic signatures – for example, in critical approval processes.
  • List Items
    For storing data that is displayed in list format – for example, checkboxes or drop-down menus.

Table Settings

Each database table you create has the following settings:

  • Name
    Fairly self-explanatory.
  • Access Control
    Nutshell allows you to share your database table with as many apps as you like, which means that several different apps could be storing and manipulating data within the same table. You can restrict who can see your table:
    – Only you (nobody else will even know it exists)
    – Anyone in my Groups (any other builder who belongs to the same groups as you)
    – Everyone (all other app builders in your organisation)
  • Linked apps
    Before a Nutshell app can access your database table, it must be linked by name. This might sound fiddly, but it reduces the chances of an app accidentally manipulating data in the wrong table. Start typing in the name of your app, and it will appear in the list after you’ve typed the first few characters.

Just getting started? Try the Tutorials section for handy quick-start guides.

Prefer to watch the action? Try our series of short video tutorials.

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