Video Tutorials

Step-by-step guides to building apps with Nutshell

Building a “Hello World” App

What on earth is a Hello World?
When computer geeks first start learning a new programming language, they often build a very simple application to help them get to grips with the fundamentals.

Traditionally, this basic app simply prints a message on the screen: “Hello World”.

Pre-flight Checks

Before we begin, let’s make sure you have the right sort of kit. Nutshell is designed to run within a web browser, so all you need is a reasonably recent PC and a good-sized monitor (wider that 2048px across is best, although you can still manage on something smaller).

Although Nutshell should work fine in most modern web browsers, some of them do have a few quirks that can make life unnecessarily difficult. We always recommend using the latest version of Google Chrome for the best possible experience.

Just getting started? Try the Tutorials section for handy quick-start guides.

Need more detail? Try the Reference Guide section instead.

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